Kyndahl and I both had our first days of school yesterday... both were a bit rocky but we survived! Kyndahl is going to a MWF learning center from 8:15-3:15 each day. Apparently she had a good day for the most part but for starters, only took a 15 minute nap. For those of you who know my child well, know that she daily takes a 2 1/2 - 3 hr nap, so 15 minutes just doesn't cut it!!! Then right before I picked her up, the plastic Little Tykes kitchen in her room fell on top of her... not really sure what happened but she was ok. A few scratches on her arms but overall ok. But that combined with tired made for a sad little girl when mommy got there!!!
My day was eventful as well.... I spent the day in Kindergarten as "support"!! WOW!!! I am not cut out for that on a daily basis!!! It was actually not bad (compared to last year), but if my child ever acts like some of those kids.... LORD HELP!! It was a long day but I did make it through!!! Lots to do in my room still but it will get done when things settle down some. I have several new kids this year that should make things very interesting!!!