Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4 K's egg hunt

Kaylee, Kyndahl, Kara and Kaylah (in age order) had a great time hunting eggs together!! They miss getting to see each other all of the time so we try to get them together when we can.... hopefully lots more often once summer starts! 
The top pictures are from my camera once we came inside and I put up the video camera.. the others I stole from Mandi's blog!! 

 Kara on her sugar rush!

 On a mission of egg finding!

 Taking a break to get in the face of the camera!!

Tootsie roll face!

Anthony's 4th birthday party!!

 My girls would not go near the pinata but the boys LOVED it!!


 Getting to hold baby Payton!!
 It was hot but they still had a lot of fun just playing with their "buddies"

Baby Reese comes to stay...

Having a 3, 2, and 1 year old in the house was WAY TOO MUCH FUN!!! They really had a great time... and the girls were very sad when Mrs. Ruby came to pick up Reese

 Everyone helping at the garden...

 Very intent on helping!!
 Girl pile on David!!! Attack!!
Crazy head breakfast of champions!!! Orange rolls to add sugar to their diets!! :) It was sad to see Reese leave, we actually had to leave the playpen up for several days for the girls to play with and Kaylah kept pointing to it and asking for Reese!!