Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Kyndahl has started getting a commission for helping around the house. Sunday she was given $.75 to split, she has to save, spend and give. At church we told her we were going to give one to Jesus. She looked up and said "But I can't throw it that high!!!"... well, she's right! Then as we got home and she asked David for more quarters. He told her to ask me for another chore. So she did but when I told her she needed to help me fold towel she stomped her foot at me and said, "I don't want to, I JUST WANT THE MONEY!!!".... oh are we in trouble!!!

Kaylah is talking much more and her fav to say right now is, "my book". She loves books and will take them and run! She has learned if she wants something anywhere near Kyndahl she needs to snatch and run... and then hide!! Its really cute to watch her try to get away with it! She is also about 90% potty trained!! Love it! She has had one or two accidents but has been in "big girl" panties for over a week now!!

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