Thursday, August 27, 2009
Let it all hang out...
well her tongue at least! Kaylah loves playing with her tongue. She chews on it sideways... a dominate trait that I don't have! She is so silly... she sticks it out constantly!
And she smiles so much.. she thinks Daddy is really funny!
Chick Fila Kids Eat Free Night
More "whoo whoo's"! Kyndahl is really into looking for any emergency vehicle. She likes the lights and sounds just like most kids. This past Tuesday, at Chick Fila, the CS police were there. They had a motorcycle cop, which she LOVED and then a regular police car. She thought that was great that she got to "drive drive" it.

Kaylah was hanging out and talking the whole time to the female cop... telling her all about it! She is getting so talkative and silly!
Made it through the first few days...
So life has been really crazy but I have made it through my first 4 days of school!! The first 3 I didn't have kids and Wednesday I had training most of the day so today is the first day I have had any of my kids... I will get them ALL on Monday. I am luck and have had the extra time to get ready, unlike most teachers but still feel like I could use even more time!!! But, in my defense, I have six kids on six totally different levels doing different subject ALL AT THE SAME TIME. So it does get CRAZY but I will figure it out. For now, I am luck because I have an aide... but not sure how long I will get to keep her! Hopefully all year but we'll have to see!
The girls are great! Kyndahl is really doing well at potty training, at least when Mommy and Daddy are home. She talks non-stop and is always on the move. Kaylah is just happy! We are having some sleeping issues, especially during the day, but she is getting somewhat better... I just hate watching them grow so much when I am not at home : ( : ( But they are lucky, as am I, to have Grams and Reese keeping them each day!
Friday, August 21, 2009
McKenna ? Moody Reilly has arrived!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Megan came to help...
Sunday David had to work and I needed help with the girls so Megan came to my rescue... AGAIN!! She helped get them dressed and kept K1 occupied while I got dressed and David loaded up for work. Then we headed to Blue Baker with Grams and Papa B for breakfast. Kyndahl HAS to see the water when we are there, she even asks for it when we drive by during the day. It's really low because of our lack of rain but the fish are getting much bigger but are in the lower area so they are harder to see.

K2, Megan and I came back to the house for K2's nap while Grams took K1 to the store before her nap. But thanks again Megan for getting me through!
K2, Megan and I came back to the house for K2's nap while Grams took K1 to the store before her nap. But thanks again Megan for getting me through!
Friday, August 14, 2009
Last night of swim lessons...
This round of swim lessons, we had friends in our class. Aunt Ashley, Maddie, Mrs Mandi and Kaylee all took lessons with us!! We loved having friends there. Luckily Uncle Marc volunteered
Breaking out!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Today I had to be at the hospital at noon for them to put a screw in my ankle. David went with me to register and get me settled in and then Re joined us. He had to head to get to work on the ADPi job so Re stayed with me. All went well and I was home by 3:30! Recovery was great since I had a nerve block in my leg plus it allowed me to nurse Kaylah since I didn't have any narcotics!! I take it out on Friday...well David actually will. So far, so good. The Dr. said everything went well but just asked Re why my bones were so brittle!! Well... that would be being diagnosed with at osteoporosis at 24... but all is good for now. Kyndahl thinks my crutches are really cool and mommy's ouchy is not so much fun. Thanks to Maricia and Grams, I think I will make it through the week!
Giraffe Pants
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Bubbles Please!
Kyndahl loves her bath time!!! Each night, she either picks bubbles that we got to make at Chick Fila on a kid's night or color pellets that fizz and change the color of her water. Tonight she picked bubbles... purple ones at that! And this is the first time she really played with the bubbles, not just splashed them around!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Happy 3 months Kaylah Ann
Big sister, Kyndahl, loves to hold her baby sister. Soon Kaylah may catch up to Kyndahl!!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Time out...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Breakfast Sunday Morning with Valka's
Sunday we headed to eat at Ozona's for breakfast. Aren't we all cute in our coordinating outfits??? The Valka's met us since it had been almost 10 weeks since we had seen them... and they live here! Maddie and Kyndahl had fun running on the porch and posed for some pics! We really should see them more... maybe with two infants and two toddlers our lives will slow down... wait did I mean that the other way?!!??!?

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