Monday, January 25, 2010
Happy birthday to the most wonderful husband and daddy we could ever imagine! He is so good with the girls and loves them dearly! He makes time for each of them separately as well as for me! He works hard to support us and does such a great job that he is in high demand! Hope you have a great day!! We love you!! Happy birthday to my best friend!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Kyndahl- is sick!! She had been telling us that her ear hurt for two days. We kept checking her temp yesterday since she felt hot but nothing. Then this morning she woke up with a 100.4 temp and it went up from there. We headed to the dr for him to check her out... she told David her left knee was hurting too! Wonderful Dr Henderson checked her ears and didn't see anything so had them use the machine to check for fluid behind her eardrum... nothing. So he wanted to check her WBC for infection that could have settled in her knee.. still nothing! So we just have a fussy, tired 2 year old! He said if she got worse or was not better by Monday to bring her back... we'll see! Other than that, she is getting two new teeth and continues to amaze me everyday with her thought processes and her speech!! She is a sponge that takes in EVERYTHING and wants to learn even more! We start our Kindermusic class together on Wednesday evenings next week!! I am so excited! I love going with her!
Kaylah- is still happy as can be! She is still army crawling but is fast and goes EVERYWHERE!! She can't stand it when I get out of the shower with a towel on my head... she HAS to pull it off! She also has to have your attention, or she will yell until she gets it.. then just smiles and laughs when you look at her! She is sleeping much better... usually in bed by 6:30 and gets up at midnight and about 5am to nurse. Then is usually down until about 7am or 730 am. She LOVES butternut squash and most foods that she can have. Still working on getting a variety since she cannot have oatmeal or rice! Suggestions on how to do eggs without mixing them with oatmeal?? We will see in a few months if she is really allergic or what?!?!? She has her first Kindermusic class next week as well with Grams!
David- is crazy BUSY! The last three nights he has not been home before 7pm! Hopefully tonight he will be since it is our weekly Carr Casa night! But he does continue to be the great daddy he is and even took the time to go to the dr with K1 and I today, after watching Sesame Street with her!
Me- I am good! I started back to the gym jan 4th and feel much better. My ankle is hanging in there and starting to get back full ROM. It's getting there! I am working on doing a duo in March. I will run a 5K, bike 12 miles and then "run" another 5K. I am also thinking of doing a "Rookie" tri-athalon in May... All to say, that I have a goal that I am working toward! I think it will keep me motivated!
SO all in all... the Boatcallie household is doing well....
Kaylah- is still happy as can be! She is still army crawling but is fast and goes EVERYWHERE!! She can't stand it when I get out of the shower with a towel on my head... she HAS to pull it off! She also has to have your attention, or she will yell until she gets it.. then just smiles and laughs when you look at her! She is sleeping much better... usually in bed by 6:30 and gets up at midnight and about 5am to nurse. Then is usually down until about 7am or 730 am. She LOVES butternut squash and most foods that she can have. Still working on getting a variety since she cannot have oatmeal or rice! Suggestions on how to do eggs without mixing them with oatmeal?? We will see in a few months if she is really allergic or what?!?!? She has her first Kindermusic class next week as well with Grams!
David- is crazy BUSY! The last three nights he has not been home before 7pm! Hopefully tonight he will be since it is our weekly Carr Casa night! But he does continue to be the great daddy he is and even took the time to go to the dr with K1 and I today, after watching Sesame Street with her!
Me- I am good! I started back to the gym jan 4th and feel much better. My ankle is hanging in there and starting to get back full ROM. It's getting there! I am working on doing a duo in March. I will run a 5K, bike 12 miles and then "run" another 5K. I am also thinking of doing a "Rookie" tri-athalon in May... All to say, that I have a goal that I am working toward! I think it will keep me motivated!
SO all in all... the Boatcallie household is doing well....
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
More Reese time!
Our usual Thursday night with the Carr Casa started at Rosa's... and no I actually didn't pick. But it was Reese's first dinner out and all went well. Then we headed back to our house to put the older of the three girls to bed. Kyndahl of course NEEDED to hold Reese and did so for a long time, in two year old terms, that means ten minutes! She was so sweet and gentle! She even helped hold the pacifier for her! Such a little mommy! It was great to have baby Reese at the house for the first time of MANY MORE TO COME!

Baby Reese... this is late coming...
Baby Reesey came early!! I am sitting in NC waiting on the girls to wake up so they can go "snow boating" aka sledding, when I happen to look at my phone and what do I see... a text saying "Baby Reese is here, more to come later"... WHAT THE... I mean, what? I was in total shock... so I called Re and I hear a very calm very normal sounding NEW MOMMY!!! Re sounded amazing for giving NATURAL birth just about an hour before I talked to her! I BAWLED... I was so happy for them! And so proud to share our anniversary with our best friends new bundle of joy! December 28th... Carolyn Reese Carr joined our family! We were out of state for several more days but finally got to meet the newest addition to the clan on New Years Day! Kyndahl and Kaylah were in awe! They both couldn't wait to get their hands on her! It was too cute! I love their first pictures together!! Of course, if you know Kyndahl, you know she had to kiss the baby! I know they will all the best of friends and closer than many of us could ever imagine!! We love you and are so proud of your mommy and daddy!! WELCOME!

Family Time...
Last week was a real treat for the girls- Grandpa Bill was in town! Tuesday instead of our usual outing to Chick Fila, we headed to Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Tom's house to visit with GB. He is so amazing... 88 and still going strong! It was so cute to see Kaylah playing in his lap and then Kyndahl crawling up next to them on the couch to read a book. I have adorable pics that I promise to post tonight!! It was great just to sit and talk as the girls played on and around him.
Walt and his wife Ada were in Texas, so GB decided he wanted to take everyone to dinner. We all gathered at Cotton Patch and had a great dinner. It was great to finally meet Ada and again to get to spend time with GB!
Sunday, Will and all his crew joined the group in College Station. We headed back over to AM and UT's (funny huh!!) house to play with Will's 3 girls. The house was full of little girls and it was a sight to see as they all played so well with each other! Kyndahl would have NOTHING to do with Will and still LOVES her U. Tom! Kaylah was good once Will didn't have his hat on! Emiley and Lainey really had a great time chasing Kaylah around on the floor!
It was really great to get to see everyone! I love having AM and UT here... and it helps bring my cousins here often!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Baby its cold outside....
Don't we live in Texas... what is this crazy 20 degree weather! This is for the birds.... I can't wait for summer to be here! I live here so I don't have to deal with this!! But I guess I should be thankful, its only going to last 2-3 days and then be back up into the 50's!! Unlike mom's, JJ's and Sally's where it will be CRAZY cold for months still! Come to Texas- back to the land of very few season changes!
Other that the cold, David and I are cleaning and getting rid of LOTS of stuff!! Any of you who have been to my house know, that my garage is more like a HUGE and packed storage shed... but it is getting better! We have purged a lot of things with even more heading out the door daily! Yeah Cragislist and Bryan Faculty Lounge! And the money is going toward that new phone I still have to get since my was stolen!!
Now, why won't my youngest sleep?? I think I got negative amounts of sleep (if that is possible) last night. She has decided to only take 2 naps during the day on her own time and try to eat every 2-3 hrs at night. Plus wants to play when she gets up at 2am or 4am!! 8month growth spurt?? or just in need of true sleep training?? We have been much more relaxed about her schedule and sleep training than we were with Kyndahl (even though many will say we are still stuck to a schedule, I think we have relaxed!!). Maybe, that is the problem! Kyndahl has always and probably will always LOVE to sleep and does so easily and so well! Maybe going back to a strict schedule regardless of what they have to miss would be best for Kaylah.... and me in the long run!
Ok, enough RANDOM blogging... I am off to work and then to a conference in Houston tomorrow!!
Oh ya, and I am thinking of doing a Tri-athalon in June?~!??~?
Other that the cold, David and I are cleaning and getting rid of LOTS of stuff!! Any of you who have been to my house know, that my garage is more like a HUGE and packed storage shed... but it is getting better! We have purged a lot of things with even more heading out the door daily! Yeah Cragislist and Bryan Faculty Lounge! And the money is going toward that new phone I still have to get since my was stolen!!
Now, why won't my youngest sleep?? I think I got negative amounts of sleep (if that is possible) last night. She has decided to only take 2 naps during the day on her own time and try to eat every 2-3 hrs at night. Plus wants to play when she gets up at 2am or 4am!! 8month growth spurt?? or just in need of true sleep training?? We have been much more relaxed about her schedule and sleep training than we were with Kyndahl (even though many will say we are still stuck to a schedule, I think we have relaxed!!). Maybe, that is the problem! Kyndahl has always and probably will always LOVE to sleep and does so easily and so well! Maybe going back to a strict schedule regardless of what they have to miss would be best for Kaylah.... and me in the long run!
Ok, enough RANDOM blogging... I am off to work and then to a conference in Houston tomorrow!!
Oh ya, and I am thinking of doing a Tri-athalon in June?~!??~?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy 8th Month Birthday Little One
Kaylah is 8 months old!! CRAZY how fast it goes!! I remember, it was just like yesterday, when I first got to see her... and when she got to meet her big sister for the first time. We were all in love immediately. She was amazing, and so small!! Now she is crawling (well its really an army crawl) everywhere, sitting up like a big girl, laughing and smiling all the time and even eating real foods. Soon enough, she will be pulling up, walking and talking!! Her big sister sure still does adore her, as do I! My happy, smiley Kaylah Ann!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
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