Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break 2010

Spring break started out with the parade on 1960 with LeAnn and Craig. Monday we hung out at the house and cleaned. Megan came to play for a while. I got all of Kaylah's 6-9 month clothes packed up to send to McKenna and finally got all of Kyndahl's 18month clothes out of her closet and into the attic. Most of them still fit her, just kinda short... just had to get them out so could really wear her 2T stuff. I cleaned a lot but looked and felt like I didn't do much!! Tuesday we went to baby boot camp and then to the Children's museum with the Michaelson's and the Peacher boys. Fun was had by all!! Kyndahl and Kaylee loved shopping as they were born to do!! They also did a great job painting. Kara and Kaylah loved the mirrors, as does Richard Anthony. Charlie loves to pose for the camera... as does Kaylah!

Tuesday the Scrimpshire's came to B/CS to play. We just hung out at the house and let the kids go crazy... well just play with all the toys. We loaded up for some Freebirds in the rain before they headed to campus for a quick tour before heading back to Houston. Wednesday we decided to load up and head to Austin to see G-ma and Papa Chuck. It was St Paddy's day so we had lunch with Grams ad Papa B first. a onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEixoIxLR6nM6Uu88jN4B4k2S4K9THT7yrJvRnfSkqmU2D-zYI4MKYhC5OGf3XkLv6BUDz6RSPzdEp3sXX_z8yApZVu3jfWOQYZGK1QjaDbT9NjA-CcueQbapmipc34pFGcJ_c7lBv30Sgk/s1600-h/232323232%7Ffp938%3Enu=3235%3E;-2%3E276%3EWSNRCG=335-654952339nu0mrj.jpeg">

Thursday we hung out at G-ma and Papa Chucks napping and looking at the animals. It was a great relaxing time. Then we headed home to have dinner with Aunt Re, Uncle Ryan and baby Reesey.

Friday Grandpa came for a visit. It was nice to get to see him. The girls were in good moods and got to play for almost an hour before they had to head off to take naps. After they rested, we pulled some weeds in the front yard then went to Aunt Marilyn' s and Uncle Tom's house for a visit. It was so great to see them and just sit and talk.
Sad I didn't get more pics of everyone we saw but these will have to do!!
Saturday we went to a wedding shower for one of David's cousins in the rain, then came home to nap and relax the rest of the day away. Sunday was church and a visit from Nana and Papa G. Both girls started feeling yucky on Sunday as did I. We all have coughs and runny noses. But all in all, spring break was great. We got to see lots of friends and family members!!! Now it is back to the real world... two weeks until a Good Friday day off and then 9 weeks after that, SUMMER!!!!! We can make it!!

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