Kyndahl is not feeling well so we decided to take her in today and since Kaylah's two week check up is supposed to be tomorrow, we moved her appt up to today so only to make one trip. Kyndahl has lost a little weight and only weighs 22 lbs now. She weighed 22.4 lbs for her 15 month shots. But I am sure now that she is running everywhere, she is just burning more calories! Kaylah has gained weight! She weighs 7lbs 8 oz and is 20 1/4 inches long. She has gained 1 lb and 2 oz since we left the hospital a week and a half ago and grew 1/2 an inch in the last two weeks. Dr Henderson said her weight gain was "sweet"!
Kyndahl was tested for the flu and when it was negative they did blood work to check for other infections but all is good. The fever is ok since it is starting to go away and the cough will just hang around for a week or two. The yucky upper respiratory stuff is something we will just have to let run it's course. Kaylah on the other hand does have thrush and is on two antibiotics. Hopefully all will be better soon because Kaylah is not nursing well and killing mommy!!
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