Monday, March 9, 2009

K's 15 month dr visit...

Kyndahl is getting to be such a big girl!!! She weighed in at 22.4 lbs (less than the 50th percentile), stretched to 30.5 inches (about th 75% percentile) and had to get two shots!!! Nurse Heather is usually really quick with the shots but Kyndahl kicked away after shot #1 and we had to really had to grab her and hold her down. It was not fun at all... she was really upset... and so was mommy! She wouldn't even take the sucker from Heather or say bye-bye! She was really mad for a while... but finally tasted the sucker and was much better all the way home! We go back in June for her 18 month, but NO SHOTS!!! : )

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