Where it all began! The Barbee family reunion has been in Glen Rose at Oak Dale park for over fifty years. Honey, my dad's mom, and her family started the Barbee reunion. Honey had three sisters and two brothers. The only sister left is Aunt Rachel and the only spouses left are Grandpa Bill and Uncle Joe. They were all recognized this year for their outstanding contribution to our families. Grandpa Bill will be 89 at the end of September and is one of the cornerstones of our family.
Each year on Labor Day weekend we load up and head to Glen Rose for a great family affair. We may only see each other once a year but we're still family!

The whole crew... there were 67 of us total this year!

the cousins... from eldest to youngest

Family pictures are a must... unless of course you have the camera because somehow your family doesn't end up with a picture!?!!? :)

Pool time is a must... the pool at Oak Dale is one of the oldest in Texas. It was actually dug by oxen pulling plows!! It's not the cleanest but its huge and had lots of Barbee memories in it! This year it was closed on Sunday (drama in Glen Rose) so we ended up heading to the Best Western to let the girls swim. They had a blast!

Throw in some family time sitting and talking, a big Sunday lunch and of course some washer pitching and its good clean fun!

Kids being kids... we brought the baby pen so that the little ones would have a place to play without that much dirt and without having to be held all the time. Snow cones are a must and a trip to the river to see if there is actually any water this year is a kid favorite.

The one time of the year that we all get to play 42. These were some of the funniest and most fun domino games I think I've ever played. From Molly bidding "3" to Will being "Mr. Competitive", we had some great cousin time! We really should do it more often!

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