Thursday, February 26, 2009

It's almost Friday...

I have a headache this afternoon for some reason... I've done pretty well lately without getting any. But who knows why I decided to get one today... the only thing that has really been bothering me is my vericous veins. I went Tuesday night to Wal-mart, Walgreens and Motherhood maternity to find compression hose. I finally got some at Motherhood and they are really sexy... let me tell you!! I really hate hose but I guess if it helps, it helps. I only wear them at night so hopefully they will make them hurt less and not look so horrible!

Tomorrow is finally Friday and Melinda (best friend from high school) and her daughter will be in College Station. I got a babysitter for tomorrow night so David and I can go to a BBQ with her and her boyfriend. It will be great to see her. I cannot even remember the last time I saw them... it was the last time I was in Midland, probably like 4 years ago!! Hopefully this weekend will be a more relaxing weekend!! I am tired and need to relax! I have a massage next week so that will be even better (since it is the day of the reading TAKS test).

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